The purpose of a Phase II ESA is to determine, through intrusive sampling, if there is contamination present on site.

Phase II ESAs are usually conducted based on the recommendations of the initial Phase I investigation. The purpose of a Phase II ESA is to determine, through intrusive sampling, if there is contamination present on site. It can also determine the extent of contamination and approximate volume of contamination at a site, however, due to the complex nature of Phase II ESAs they are often completed in several stages. The first stage is often prepared for screening the site and if contamination is confirmed on site then one or more detailed investigations are done to delineate the impact.

The Phase II investigation is an intrusive assessment where, with the help of specialized drilling or excavation equipment, soils and groundwater samples are retrieved from the subject site and analyzed by an accredited environmental laboratory. The analytical results are then compared to the guidelines applicable for the site.

All Phase II reports are prepared in accordance with the Canadian CSA Standard Z769-01 (R 2013). No further work will be recommended if the findings indicate that no chemicals of potential concern have been identified in exceedance of the applicable guidelines. Further investigation, mitigation and/or remediation will be recommended if contamination is identified.