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FAQ - Most popular help topics
Why does the price of environmental assessments vary from one property to the other?
The cost of the assessment is dependent on the particularities of each site and no two sites are alike. The Phase I price varies based on the size of the property, the number of lots, land titles, occupancy, complexity of activity, etc. The cost of a Phase II ESA varies with the number of drilling locations, the parameters tested, the drilling rig needed, etc. Please contact us for a free quote or call us and our specialists will answer your questions.
Can my contaminated property go through a transaction?
Each site is unique, so there is no single answer to this question. There are contaminated properties being sold and/or developed; the lenders usually want to understand the risks and quantify it as best as possible. Please call us to discuss your site.
What is the next step if the Phase II ESA identifies exceedances over the applicable guidelines?
Exceedances are analysed on a case-by-case basis. Some exceedances are within the natural background for the area; if this is the case, the natural source is explained and referenced and, in most cases, no further work is recommended. If small impacts are found as a result of a visible or known spill, immediate removal is usually recommended. Soil and groundwater results that are exceeding the applicable guidelines as a result of historical releases, improper waste disposal practices or large plume migration oftentimes requires further supplemental investigation and remedial action.
How long does a Phase II typically take?
A Phase II ESA can be finalized in 4 to 6 weeks from the date of the authorization and it depends on the completion of the utility locates, availability of the drilling rig, groundwater recovery, etc.
If I need a Phase II ESA does it mean that my property is contaminated?
No. It simply means that at least one area of potential concern was identified during the Phase I assessment and a subsurface investigation is needed to confirm the presence/absence of contamination on site.
How long does a Phase I typically take?
A Phase I ESA can be finalized in 2 to 3 weeks from the date of the authorization. In exceptional circumstances (such as a very long environmental history or a rural setting) the assessment can take longer.
Which lenders will accept your reports?
Thanks to our long history we are on the list of all major banks. In case your financial institution does not have our company on their list, please give us a call.
How can I obtain a quote?
You can use the form on our website, email us at or call us at 403-212-3888. An environmental specialist is always available to discuss with you. You will receive our quote free-of-charge within 1 business day.
Why do I need to conduct an environmental site assessment?
Provincial environmental laws consider property owners responsible parties, even if they did not cause the contamination. Therefore, it is very important to confirm prior to any purchase that the property is clean and it does not represent a liability. As soon as you become the owner of a contaminated property, you will be responsible for any environmental cleanup. The cost of environmental investigations only represent a fraction of the property cost; however, the cost of a remediation can exceed the value of the property. It is always smart to have the site assessed prior to completing the transaction.
Still have some questions? Please contact us and you can discuss directly with an environmental specialist.
Whether this is your first environmental assessment or your 50th we are always happy to answer your questions.
We are a recognized company of experienced scientists, engineers, technologists.
Proud members of AIA, SIA, ACPA, ACPBC, ASET
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